Contact Us Today: (855) 965-2212
4555 Empire Ct
Fredericksburg, VA 22408
Ages: 6 Weeks-12 Years Old
Open: Monday-Friday
Hours: 5:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m.
Programs Offered
• Infant
• Toddler
• Preschool
• Pre-K
• Kindergarten Enrichment
*Not available at all locations
• Summer Camp
• School Age
• COA Enrichment Programs
The COA childcare facility in Lee’s Hill emphasizes teacher-child interaction, a carefully designed learning environment and a Plan, Do, Review process that strengthens initiative and self-reliance in children. This approach lays a solid foundation for academic, social-emotional, creative and physical growth.
At our Lee’s Hill child care facility in Spotsylvania County, Va., we identify each child’s level of fitness and then create activities that are both age- and skill-appropriate. We also teach about and serve balanced meals and snacks, paving the way to a healthy adult lifestyle.
Discover the many advantages awaiting your child at our COA child care facility.
Schedule a tour today.
Lee's Hill Daycare Enriches Learning
The COA childcare facility in Lee’s Hill emphasizes teacher-child interaction, a carefully Read More
The COA childcare facility in Lee’s Hill emphasizes teacher-child interaction, a carefully designed learning environment and a Plan, Do, Review process that strengthens initiative and self-reliance in children. This approach lays a solid foundation for academic, social-emotional, creative and physical growth.
At our Lee’s Hill child care facility in Spotsylvania County, Va., we identify each child’s level of fitness and then create activities that are both age- and skill-appropriate. We also teach about and serve balanced meals and snacks, paving the way to a healthy adult lifestyle.
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